welcome to bloglaptopdriver.blogspot.com hopefully you can get the link driver. for those of you who are looking for drivers Dual Touchscreens Laptop - The "Acer Iconia"
you can directly download via the link below.
On the occasion of this post, I provide a link Dual Touchscreens Laptop - The "Acer Iconia"
which can certainly mnyelesaikan your problem. Do not forget to leave comments that can develop this blog, silahakan click download below. :
As i read the news, normally i won't post any of them in this blog, since i create this blog for drivers only. Anyway here is something interesting I read today, the Dual Touchscreen Laptop by Acer named Acer Iconia.
Performance and SPECS.
From myy point of view, the other advantage of having touchscreen keyboard is it overcome the problems using a cover for normal laptop keyboard (to prevent dust).
Annyway,I'm thinking to get one when it available at Malaysia, but maybe when second model comes out because as always - 1st model is test , 2nd model is improvement.
Download Driver Dual Touchscreens Laptop - The "Acer Iconia"
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