welcome to bloglaptopdriver.blogspot.com hopefully you can get the link driver. for those of you who are looking for drivers Compaq Presario CQ60-135ec Windows XP Driver
you can directly download via the link below.
On the occasion of this post, I provide a link Compaq Presario CQ60-135ec Windows XP Driver
which can certainly mnyelesaikan your problem. Do not forget to leave comments that can develop this blog, silahakan click download below. :
Nvidia Chipset:
Nvidia Geforce8200M G Graphics Card:
(if direct installation failed, read the installation guide at the end of the post)
UAA drivers (Must be installed before installing the audio driver):
Both Conexant Audio & Modem Driver:
Download (mediafire)
Download (rapidshare)
Download (easy-share)
(read the instruction at the end of the post)
If you have Atheros wireless
Wireless Atheros AR5009:
If you have Broadcom Wireless
Broadcom: Download
HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless for Windows XP:
Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader:
if the above drivers didn't work use this:
(Automatically installed)
here is the drivers: Download
And now notice that most of the drivers you will setup easily except of the following:
1- Nvidia Geforce8200 Graphics Card:
After you install 178.24_geforce_winxp_32bit_english_whql.exe from the link gave above,
you will get an error message "The Nvidia Setup program could not..............." and it will quit the installation, then do the following :
1. Open device manager by click start and select run, type: devmgmt.msc and click ok
2. There Under display right click unknown vga device (mark with yellow), update driver.
3. Select no to connect:
4. Select advance.
5. Select don't search, i will choose the driver.
And then Select Display adapters,next, choose the have disk button. and then click browse.
Browse to C:\nvidia\Win2k\178.24\English\nv4_disp
It will give you a list of models, there are 2 geforce 8200's in the list. Click the first one in the list and click ok.
It will give you the continue anyway option, proceed throught it,
Reboot computer.
2- Both Conexant Audio & Modem Driver:
After extracting " Audio e Modem conexant x Compaq CQ.rar" file. (If you cant extract you need Winrar Software)
1) Execute audio\setup.exe in Audio Driver folder.
2) Execute modem\UIU32m.exe In modem Driver Folder.
Download Driver Compaq Presario CQ60-135ec Windows XP Driver
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